Rev. Samuel K. Shaw III, Pastor


Phone: 252-562-1169

Rev. Samuel K. Shaw III, known to friends and family as “Kenny”, is the second son born to Samuel K. Shaw, Jr. and Viola Gallop in Jersey City, New Jersey on July 1, 1973. By making himself available to God, through many early experiences of life, he pressed towards accepting the Lord’s call to preach God’s Word.

He began his preaching ministry at the New Weeping Mary Missionary Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia under the pastorate of Dr. John C. Smith on May 31, 1998. There he was faithful in working the ministry and held such positions as Drummer, Youth Director and Associate Minister; helping to teach men, women, boys and girls to stir up the gifts on the inside as God stirred up the gifts in him.

July of 2017, Pastor Shaw accepted the call as the Senior Pastor of the Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Windsor, NC. He brings to Mt. Olive extensive leadership skills, a team ministry perspective, the ability to restructure and organize, technology-driven concepts, the ability to foster church and community relationships, and a heart for millennials.

Pastor Shaw believes in the holistic approach to ministering to God’s people and he has a passion for learning opportunities to enhance his ministry. He returned to school and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, a Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling, and he is also certified as an Expository Preacher by the E.K. Bailey International Conference on Expository Preaching and Teaching, Dallas, TX.

Pastor Shaw spends an enormous amount of time sharpening his knowledge of God’s Word in order to remain true to his commitment to fulfilling God’s will by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world of the unconverted and equipping the Christian church to do the same. Pastor Shaws’ goal is to prepare Gods’ people as stated in Ephesians 4:12 — “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Jesus Christ”.

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